The modern school medicine kills, cuts and poisons
Who is really ill, can only become more ill
The sharpest objection against the so-called modern medicine is that it is a death medicine. The physician, who practices the school medicine, is no more aid on the side of life, but a coworker of death. These physicians have made a deal with death: The school physicians may have humans, who are actually ripe for dying, still for a while for their experiments, before death then gets them of course nevertheless. Condition with this play is that the physicians only apply, what makes the patient even more ill regardless whether immediately or in the long run.
While thus the medicine man mobilized the forces of nature, in order to strengthen the life of the patient, the western "civilized" physician applies death poisons. One of the most drastic examples is not even irradiation and the medication of cellular poisons with cancer patients or popular cutting out of the organs gotten sick in bits and pieces like the stomach, but the development of the antibiotics.
The at the beginning benedictional discovery of these bacterial poisons, which made possible extermination of some medieval epidemics, nowadays in dramatic way has rotated into the opposite. The antibiotics have the public health in the whole world absolutely ruined in an extent that only slowly one recognizes.
Because antibiotics are used instead of exeptionally constantly and in addition antibiotics in the chemical-conventional agriculture completely normal fodder additive are, our bodies are today chronically set under antibiotics.
The worst consequence of it is not even the spreading antibiotic resistance of many disease germs. The diabolic pact of the physicians with death had the consequence that a totally central main pillar of the human health is ruined:
The good bacteria, which are absolutely vitally necessary in our body as health police and for cleaning the blood of the bad disease germs egesta and particularly of viruses and virus fragments.
The good bacteria feel ever less well in the people bodies, because these are chronically antibiotic-contaminated. The missing symbiosis ( partnership ) with the healthy-making bacteria is the cause for the fact that humans are troubled today by all possible viruses.
Thus a good immune system does not only mean that the body-own cells are fit for the protection against the "bad one", but a good immune system always builds on an army of strong federates.
That is thus the death logic of the modern medicine, which is essential to stop: Is invented a medicine, it appears became benedictional at first sight, because none thinks exactly about it. After short time this medicine troubles, because following and side effects created each quantity new problems, for which many new medicines are now quite urgently needed. That is the growth logic of the modern death medicine.
If the public health would become really better and the welfare need would decrease, it would be for the school medicine a defeat, a crisis and the fall. It would be for a normal healer guild the absolute dream, if it succeeded to raise the health level of the folk altogether.

The disease cashes
Helper of the death medicine

Rescue from the antibiotic trap

The final stone in the mosaic

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